Save Lives, Save Science, Sign Here

It’s about time the many medical experts who haven’t drunk the covid Kool-Aid joined forces in defense of science and sanity, but what took them so long? 

Maybe they thought when deaths dropped to zero the world would notice and the panic would end. But no. Deaths don’t matter anymore. Only “cases” do, and cases are up, up, up because testing is up, up, up. And now some countries are locking down, down, down again. Never mind the collateral damage.

So this week three eminent epidemiologists have dared to meet in person—not social distancing, not wearing masks—to issue a joint declaration against deadly, ruinous lockdowns and for a saner, more moral, more scientific approach to saving lives.

The saner approach outlined in the Great Barrington Declaration is “focused protection,” which would do more to protect the most vulnerable—the elderly ill in nursing homes and hospitals—while encouraging everyone else live normally again. This approach aims at herd immunity, which would take just three months to achieve. 

In their own words: 

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford: “This is the saner approach, the more moral approach, the more scientifically based approach.” 

Dr. Sunetra Gupta of Oxford: “If we adopted this strategy, then maybe we could all have a nice, normal Christmas.” 

Dr. Martin Kulldorff of Harvard: “With the current approach, we are protecting low-risk people in the privileged class while we are putting the burden of generating immunity . . . on the working class, especially the urban working class.”

Dr. Gupta again: “We’re become obsessed with one metric, one kind of message, one kind of goal, and the language that surrounds it is very bellicose and very directed toward the achievement of that goal, and somehow it’s sucked everyone in, and it’s created this space from which one can virtue-signal madly.” 

This should be a turning point in the argument over lockdowns, social distancing, masks, and vaccines. It will no doubt be ignored as long as possible by mainstream media, but already over 4,000 medical or public health professionals have signed the Declaration, as have over 34,000 members of the public. Add your own name here, and share this post to urge others to sign it.

About Brian Patrick Mitchell

PhD in Theology. Former soldier, journalist, and speechwriter. Novelist, political theorist, and cleric.
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